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Writing – market – Shattered Prism

A new short story market in science fiction and fantasy will debut in November. The magazine is called Shattered Prism.
Wikipedia commons - a swarm of ancient stars

It will be a twice yearly publication, November and May.

They are currently accepting manuscripts for the November issue – the window is limited, but I don’t know when it closes; submissions won’t be passed on to the next submission window but deleted.

Payment is 6c per word for original fiction, 2c for reprints.

They’re looking for stories with a word-count of 1,500 to 5,500.

Their speculative preference is broad: hard SF, soft SF, military SF, sociological and psychological SF, fantasy, urban fantasy, folk tales, alternative history, and other sub genres too numerous to itemise.

Great chance to get in at the ground floor for this venture.

Full details for submission can be found on their site:

Response time is estimated to be about a month.

Good luck!

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