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a day out

Sunday my sister and I took a day trip to the beach at Matagorda. As it turned out we didn't stay very long because the doldrums of August had already set in. There was not much wind and we didn't bring any kind of shade producing device. We were counting on more wind.

And it was high tide so there weren't any shells to speak of. I did notice a lot of tar washing up, leftovers from the BP oil spill I guess though there has always been a certain amount of tar that washed up during my growing up years on Galveston Island which is just up the coast about 100 miles.

It was a pretty day though and I enjoyed being on the beach.

(My camera has developed a circular shadow.)

a fish tale

some kind of sandpiper or other shorebird

a drowned flower

a small camp with horses by the fishing pier

the ocean and the sky

an oyster shell

feet in the water

white goat's foot morning glory

dunes in bloom

pink too

We stopped at Buddy's Seafood on the way home and got some shrimp and a flounder for dinner. Buddy has his own boat.


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