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Merchants of Misery

The totalitarian left has launched another of its rampages.

The well-fed, pampered, and well-financed "woke ones" destroy once-great cities and seek to destroy Western Civilization. We witness them savaging, even killing, those who dare reject, however tepidly, the woke leftist narrative. We hear it in the over-the-top violent Marxist/Fascist rhetoric, more often than not spewing from the wild-eyed, unkempt, tattooed white harridans who dominate BLM and Antifa, and who do not shy away from physical violence--as long as men protect them. The prog-run cities of America and Europe have become disasters characterized by crowds of illegal immigrants, fleeing middle-class taxpayers, the filthy camps of "homeless" mentally ill, trash-strewn streets, boarded-up storefronts, rampant drug use, decrepit schools run by semi-literate morons, and, of course, ever-rising levels of property and violent crime. The loud voices of the Wokesters shout down opposition and try to make us all go along with the destruction.

The "authorities," such as they exist, have given up any pretext of running their cities in accord with the principles of law-and-order, and have joined the jackals. The mainstream media and big tech platforms, support them, serve as echo chambers for the leftists, and seek to silence any and all opposition.

This rampage of today does not constitute something new, well, except in its unashamed and open virulence and violence. For years and years, we have seen the left take over institutions, major and minor, gut them, and rebuild them into something quite different--think, for one, Boy Scouts. The universities, quite critically, have become a shadow of their former selves. Once great establishments of learning and preservation of Western culture, they now purvey dangerous, destructive nonsense. We have produced several generations of hostile illiterates. We see the results of this "dumbing down" not just on the streets, but in other institutions that recruit from universities: the schools, the police, the military, the intelligence services, the mass media, and, of course, the entertainment industry.

The leftists are merchants of misery. That's it. That's all they offer, misery. Anything that brings joy and pride they must sabotage, transform, and, ultimately, destroy. Confusion must rule. Even in things as harmless as sports, the Wokesters reach in and ruin them. We cannot watch a football game or a car race without getting regaled with "Black Lives Matter!" We have to watch millionaire players insult our flag and national anthem, and lecture us on "institutionalized racism" and "white privilege." Who wants to watch, much less pay for this trash? I predict that soon few will.

The Wokesters wage unceasing war on fun and joy. They wants us as unhappy and confused as they, alone, cut off from family, and seeking guidance from a government increasingly under control of those very Wokesters.

Resist. Resist. Resist.

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