"Goodnight Sweetheart" is the must watch programme on our smallholding at the moment. It's currently being shown on UK Gold week day nights at 7 in the evening. It's the story of a TV repair man who finds a time portal and goes backwards and forwards from the 1990's to the 1940's war time Britain. Gary Sparrow attempts to keep his modern wife and 1940's lady friend, happy at the same time. It's a brilliant idea for a sitcom and it's a shame it was never made into a film. Why couldn't the Beeb have made it into a regular weekly soap series?
I particular like the way Gary sings modern day songs to the 1940's pub revellers. In one recent episode he quotes John Lennon:
"Imagine there's no Heaven, it's easy if you try."
If I could travel through a time portal. It would be back to the second world war to see the 'Dig for Victory' campaign in the UK. Something like this video:
Thanks to You Tube and the compilers of these excellent videos.
Would you like to time travel?
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