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2015 Goals

2014 was a wonderful year with some delightful family events, it is a year that I will look back on with great fondness.  Although busy it was really rewarding, the only spanner in the works was being ill.

So for 2015:  I intend to look after myself better and take time to ensure that I am healthy so I am able to care for loved ones.

I have made a promise to myself that I will not buy any more fabric until I have used some of the masses of fabric hoarded away.

I am determined this year to make some progress with spinning.  I have a beautiful antique spinning wheel that is crying out to be used.  This is the year that the treadle will turn again.
My husband bought me a wonderful collection of old lace bobbins, so to that end I would love to be able to use them and make lace.  Another wonderful craft that is rarely seen it would be nice to find somewhere to learn.

I also intend to grow more in the garden and to cut down on the food shopping.  I have looked at some wonderful frugal living blogs that are quite inspirational so that shouldn't be too much of a challenge, but time will tell. 
Finally, I am looking forward to spending quality time with family encompassing some of the amazing plans we have in place.  Have you decided on your goals yet?
See you soon.

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