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Halloween Series: Pumpkin Vines

Hello my lovely followers out there. Today's nail art is a very Halloween-y Pumpkin Vines design. There are a lot of elements used in this nail art - decals, glitter, free-hand painting, etc, etc. I started by applying a black base coat - I used Formula X's Dark Matter (BTW if you EVER read my blog posts, apart from staring at the pictures, this is my new goto BLACK polish). After that using a thin nail art brush I free-handed the green vines using Butter London's Jaded Jack. Then I added some light green glitter on top of the vines. After that I used Halloween water decals from BornPrettyStore on top of the vines. You can read my review of these decals HERE. ALSO, visit the store's website here and find the decals used by me HERE for $2.86, Product # 8679. Get 10% OFF on your order by using the code QANX31 at checkout. Hope you all love this new Halloween themed nail art. I love how it turned out.

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