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Britney Spears David Lucado and Kevin Federline at the match sons

Britney Spears and her boyfriend David Lucado
Britney Spears and her boyfriend David Lucado

On Saturday, American pop princess Britney Spears went to a football match of her sons Sean and Jayden, to support them during the game. Company singer was her boyfriend David Lucado. They are constantly laughing, joking and having fun with the kids.

Later joined by Brit ex-husband Kevin Federline. And, apparently, the mood and the artist could fall, but she continued to smile and behave naturally.

Also present at the match Spears' father, who throughout the day actively communicated with her ex-husband's daughter. Well, men have a lot in common - at least, they both live at the expense of the singer.

Britney Spears David Lukadona match her sons

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